1/ Opening Remarks
dr. Darling James Miramey CEC3 Treasurer Chair of Committee.
2/ Information updates:
*Wednesday, October 11, 2023: Middle School Application Open.
* October: Celebration Italian American Heritage Month,
Celebration Polish American Heritage Month
Proclamation President Joseph R. Biden Jr. 10/10/2023
* CEC3Resolution in Support of Bilingual Program Extension to Middle Schools and Citywide Remote & Digital Learning
World Language Programs Access CLICK HERE
* Overview of dual language programs in D3 Public Middle Schools – CEC3 CLICK HERE
* Bill of Rights for Parents of English Language/Multilingual Learners:
(4) The right to have your children in a Bilingual Education (BE) program when there are 15 or more grade-level ELL students in grades K-8 with the same home language in one or two contiguous grades and 20 or more ELL students in high school with the same home language in one grade. If there is not a sufficient number of qualifying students in a school, but there are within its district, the district must provide a BE program. CLICK HERE
* Presentation Home Language for NYC Middle School Students in D3/Citywide Hybrid Mode Options. Dr. Darling J. Miramey CLICK HERE
4/ Chancellor Banks & DC Quintana on Multilingual Learning Opportunity in NYCPS.
5/ Presentation: Lafayette Academy – Brian Zager Principal CLICK HERE
6/ Comprehensive plan on providing extension to MS
for Russian and Italian bilingual programs in 24/25 and support in 23/24.
D3 Superintendent Kamar Samuels
7/ Parental Perspective on Multilingual Programming Needs.
Naveed Hasan PEP Member former Chair D3 Multilingual Committee
8/ Discussions:
*Expansion to MS Russian bilingual program from PS145.
moderator Anna Azvolinsky Ph.D.
*Expansion to MS Italian bilingual program from PS 242.
moderator Teresa Arboleda CCELL Member PAA & Stefania Clegg
9/Resolution proposal supporting permanent communication DOE with more than 9 languages other than English covering languages of all bilingual program in the city including Italian. - Dr. D. CLICK HERE
10/ Q&A
11/ Closing Remarks
Dr. Darling James Miramey and adjournment meeting.